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  • Writer's pictureGiulian Tan

Branding: Radiancell Beauty & Energy Supplement | Radiancell

Work: Graphic Design, Branding, Packaging

For: Radiancell / JGB Universal Solution Inc.

Radiancell is a new food supplement capsule, with its look and feel developed from scratch. Soft, pastel colors and clean type invite women, especially at the premium segment, to reinvigorate themselves physically and feel confident in their refreshed skin.

This specific palette was chosen to help the new brand standout on shelves in a sea of similar products, many in majority white or majority pink packaging colors. Competitors also typically show herbal and natural imagery. To be unique, Radiancell has a friendly, easy-on-the-eyes look, and an at-a-glance rundown of the three key benefits for busy and fast-paced target customers.

Infographics / Signages (In-store)

— Adapted to the visual language of the partner laundromat while infusing Unilever Smart Laundy Dispenser's elements. Executed several infographics and in-store signages.

— The silhouette of a woman illustrated with a mesh gradient. The yellow aura signifying her a glowing skin and energized person.

— Circles in an outward pattern alludes to the product's key benefit of radiating beauty and energy. Icons could also be interpreted as “cells” in our bodies.


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