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  • Writer's pictureGiulian Tan

Concept: Join The Band | Spotify Jobs

Work: Graphic Design, Advertising Design, Copywriting

For: Spotify Jobs

The People Experience team want creative and driven individuals to push music forward, and they can do that only at the world's most innovative music company, Spotify.

Spotify People Spotlight (Social Media)

— Updated imagery to showcase mini-stories of real Spotify employees.

Career Jump (Social Media)

— General recruitment material asking interested jobseekers or professionals "what's next" for them.

Find Your Rhythm (Social Media / Print)

— Showcase different work types one can do at Spotify. Posters can be used during school recruitment initiatives.

Inclusivity (Internal)

— Internal HR initiative to put up visuals or posters that promote inclusivity, diversity, and equality — three key values of Spotify.

This is a personal project, developed only for the purposes of my portfolio.


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